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Pastor Aide

Beverly Okpala, President

 The Pastor’s Aide Committee serves as a spiritual, financial and emotional support for the Pastor and his family.  Our ministry is in charge of organizing and coordinating special events that honor the Pastor. These events include Pastor's birthday and wedding anniversaries, Father’s Day, Christmas, Pastor Appreciation Days and the Church anniversary.   All Committee members must have a genuine love, compassion, and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Pastor and maintain confidentiality concerning the business of the pastor.


Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. (Hebrew 13:7)

Committee Members

The Pastor’s Aide Committee would like to pay tribute to you, for your faithfulness and being an excellent ambassador for Christ. You are a faithful servant that seeks God's direction in everything that you do. You are a loving husband, father, and shepherd whose first concern is that God's will be done in the lives of the people.  You are a man that walks by FAITH, trustworthy, kind and fears the Lord.  You are a man of God that leads by example to ensure you are being obedient to the instructions of God.  We are truly blessed to be under your leadership, and it is an honor and privilege to serve you. 

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